Isnin, 24 Mac 2014


Lama dah sepi blog ni, Almaklum dah tak berminat menulis bab bab rawatan, sebab makin banyak ditulis, makin tinggi tahap riak, sombong dan ujubnya....
Tapi, rawatan tetap berjalan seperti biasa, hamper tiap malam ada je kes, takkira kes berat ke ringan ke, kalau dah hadir, aku akan layan..... cuma kalau kes ringan tapi Tanya dulu perlu berubat atau tidak, aku kata, ala ringan je tu... rilex la, minta Allah pulihkan dulu dengan usaha sendiri. Kalau Allah masih tak kabulkan doa tu, baru cari aku pulak, mana tau boleh diusahakan....
Skarang ni dah masuk 17 hari kes kehilangan pesawat MAS MH370, hilang dari radar dilaut cina selatan, tapi dikesan oleh radar kemudiannya menuju ke barat.... entah kelautan mana gaknya kapal tu mendarat.... takkan mendarat kat laut, kalau kat laut, tak dinamakan mendarat, tapi me'laut'.... tapi dari awal rasa aku mengatakan kapaltu dah dalam laut, dah tenggelam dilaut yg sangat dalam, entah kat mana..... agaknya lah.... ala, setakat 'rasa rasa' jek kan, aku bukan ada radar pun kan.....
Kalau puncanya disembunyikan kaum jin, tentu dah keluar hari ni(24 March 2014) sebab aku & geng geng dah cuba buat sesuatu tadi...tapi takat buat perkara yg tak boleh diterima akal je la kan.... kalau di alam jin, pasti dah terkeluar...... tapi kalau didalam lautan, yg tak melibatkan jan jin jun, ye tak mampulah kami ikhtiarkan, hanya berdoa sambil membuka kalau kalau jin jin ada yg menutup penglihatan para pencari tu.... almaklum segala kapal laut, kapal udara, helicopter, berpuluh stelite digunakan untuk mengesan pun masih tak mampu merungkai kemana hilangnya pesawat tersebut...kannnnnnn

Moga Allah restui usaha semua pencari pencari kapal tersebut tak kira sesiapun, dan moga Allah tunjukkan jua dimanakah keberadaan sebenar kapal tersebut....

Selasa, 4 Mac 2014


10 Foods to Help Prevent Clogged Arteries( Salur darah sumbat)

Since ancient times garlic has been used to treat heart
disease and hypertension. According to a study published
in preventive medicine, garlic inhibits coronary artery
calcification which serves as a marker for plaque

Grapes are rich in flavonoids, quercetin, and resveratrol.
These flavonoids have been found to prevent the oxidation
of bad cholesterol that leads to the formation of plaque in
artery walls. They also lower the risk of developing blood
clots that can lead to heart attacks.

Spinach is rich in potassium and folic acids, both of which
act as a defense against high blood pressure. Spinach is
also rich in lutein, a plant carotenoid which not only
protects against age related macular degeneration but also
prevents heart attacks by keeping arteries free from
cholesterol build up.

A study conducted by researchers at Southampton
University found that Omega 3 oils, present in fishes like
tuna and salmon, stop the build up of fatty deposits in the
arteries. These fatty acids prevent clots from forming and
cholesterol from becoming oxidized.

Olive oil

Only oxidized cholesterol is able to stick to your artery
walls and form plaques. Monounsaturated fats present in
olive oil when mixed with molecules of bad cholesterol
become less likely to be oxidized.

According to a study conducted by Korean researchers,
lycopene, a compound present in tomatoes that gives them
their color, helps in prevent hardening of the arteries.
Researchers found that women with the highest lycopene
levels in their blood had the least stiffness in their arteries.

Pomegranate juice not only appears to prevent hardening
of the arteries by reducing blood vessel damage, but may
also reverse the progression of this disease. Pomegranate
fruit and its juice are high in antioxidant content, which
may help fight hardening of the arteries.

Kiwi and Cantaloupe

These antioxidant-rich foods work by reducing toxic LDL
cholesterol, which is formed by a rusting process in your
arteries. They can help stop the rust in its tracks and even
prevent it from spreading. Eat one cup of cantaloupe or
one kiwi per day to unclog your arteries.


Cranberry juice

This juice strains the fat out of arteries. Instead of having
fat build up in your blood vessels, this juice boosts your
cell’s ability to absorb the fat and use it for production of
energy. Drink three glasses of this juice every week to
unclog your arteries.

Thanks to the soluble fiber in oats, cholesterol doesn’t
stand a chance. This fiber attaches itself to cholesterol
and carries it right out of your system. Some studies have
shown that eating just 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 cups of cooked oat-
bran cereal daily can lower cholesterol levels by almost

Tapi kalau kita kat Malaysia ni, ada banyak lagi, terutama segala makanan dan minuman yg masam seperti limau, asam dll, pun boleh diamalkan untuk membuka saluran darah dari disumbatkan oleh lemak dan kolesterol. Madu pun boleh, Kurma pun boleh, tapi yg masam lagi sesuai.....